
Base your business in pleasure, become an embodied leader, share your authentic story

Welcome to  Master:Moon

An intimate group coaching container and a business mastermind & mentorship for emerging feminine leaders.

What would it feel like to create your business the feminine way?

What would it feel like to let go of systemic shame, perfectionism, and guilt and learn how to show up

and lead from messy and raw authenticity?

Are you ready to deepen the trust with your WOMB-HEART-SOUL channel and be part of the global revolution of feminine leaders?

Experience the Power of Connection:

Master:Moon is meticulously crafted for women inspired to prioritize safety and nourishment in their bodies while also leading their businesses the feminine way. We celebrate collaboration, intuition, and empathy as cornerstones of our collective strength.

This isn't just another container; it's a supportive ecosystem where accountability dances with inspiration.

The world does not need more “successful people and charismatic coaches”.

The world needs more than ever - EMBODIED FEMININE LEADERS,

Who honor Earth’s cycles, trust their innate intelligence, and reclaim their pleasure!

Women who are living from the rhythm of the WOMB, who lead with vulnerability, softness and an open heart.

Women who birth New World into existence by connecting their cervix to throat and sharing unique vibrational medicine!

Embark on a Journey of Authentic Embodied Leadership:

Mastermoon is a haven for women seeking to liberate their unique voice, a platform to embody authenticity, get to be rooted in sensuality and erotic aliveness.

Here, we unite women who share a common value – the commitment to personal and professional development, and - believe that EVERY aspect of our CYCLE, every face of the MOON is inherently beautiful.

Master:Moon is a community that celebrates all aspects of the MOON.

Master:Moon is more than just a gathering; it's a transformative journey designed for visionary women like you, who understand that true growth emerges from the quality of the connections we nurture.

Hi, I’m Seville !

I am a dedicated transformational feminine embodiment guide, certified hypnotherapist,  women’s pelvic care practitioner and womb whisperer, astrology lover, theatre of honesty improvisation performer, and a founder of sevil:lives, a platform for emerging feminine leaders, who seek to embody their unique gifts and co-create a new paradigm for global awakening.

Throughout my life, I had to overcome many struggles and change many limiting narratives, yet looking back the biggest growth came through the quality of Women around me: they gave me a permission slip to own my unapologetic authentic self. Growing up I didn’t know many women who were modeling softness and relaxation, powerful women - yes, but deeply relaxed and nourished - not so many. It became my life’s mission to create a space where soft-bellied women gather and empower each other through softness.

I launched my first MasterMoon container in September 2023 as a personal need for accountability in growing my business and a deep longing for a community of magical women who wanted to share their gifts and co-create a different model where pleasure and business are intertwined.

Having the right circle of women around you is the biggest upgrade •

Having the right circle of women around you is the biggest upgrade •

I’m calling in:

Conscious Business Owners, Witches, Healers, Visionaries, Mothers, Pattern Breakers, Coaches, Light Workers, Womb and Pussy Owners, Lovers, Misfits and Rebels to join the REVOLUTION!

I extend a heartfelt invitation to women ready to commit to a profound and intensive container. Whether you already have your own business or just starting, this is the space.

I have created Master:Moon to support women who choose to grow in the community of embodied leaders.

The container provides an opportunity to challenge yourself and your beliefs, elevate your business, and align WOMB-HEART axis with your Soul purpose.

Together, let's create a space where growth knows no bounds.

Usher in a New Wave of Feminine Leadership:

In our mastermind, women uplift, challenge, and champion each other, fostering an environment that transcends traditional networking. This is where a tapestry of empowerment is woven, propelling both personal and professional growth.

Join us as we usher in a paradigm shift in the business world, cultivating connections that go beyond the surface.

Why Choose Mastermoon?

  • Authenticity: Embrace your unique voice and leadership style. Let go of the idea that you need to be in a “certain vibe” to show up.

  • Collaboration: Join a community that values working together for mutual success.

  • Intuition: Trust your instincts and connect to the spirit of your business as a powerful guide in decision-making.

  • Empathy: Cultivate a supportive space where understanding and encouragement thrive. Your business is not about your worth because your worth is inherent.

  • Elevation: Propel your business and purpose to new heights through collective growth.

  • Paradigm-shift: disrupt urgency and hustling culture, heal our relationship to money. Begin to see yourself as stewards of wealth.

  • Nourishment: Learn to regulate your Nervous System and honor your body’s needs

  • Shame-resilience and disruption of perfectionism: In Mastermoon your focus is on both on receiving and serving others. Here you get to experiment, play and learn while dismantling limiting beliefs.

  • “Seville is such a potent force that ignites and illuminates heart, mind and soul. She is a loving badass feminine leaders who believes is leaving no one behind. Always having your back no matter what. This sort of "never giving up on you" support is rare and I am super grateful for all the learning, skill sharing and encouragement this space has given me.”

    Anchal, Sexologist, India

  • “Being part of the MasterMoon has been a major source of feminine community and support as I start my new business offering. In past business ventures, networks and training I have was involved with were very patriarchal, promoting hustle and practices that felt contrived, unethical and misaligned with how I want to create, serve and lead as a powerful woman. I have found Master:Moon to be so supportive for living and creating from the feminine. We show up how we are on the day, expressing our truth, exposing our shadows, witnessing and supporting each other. It is such a powerful container that is co-created by us women and led from the heart. Seville is a powerful and enigmatic woman who leads from integrity. If you are a change-making woman of this world and are looking to create and lead from the powerful feminine, and would like a supportive sisterhood where you can step into leadership, this group is for you. Seville is a breath of fresh air in this world, a potent leader and a dear sister who I am honored to walk with.”

    Karla, Female Pelvic Care Practitioner, Australia

  • "Incredibly nourishing, supportive, judgement free zone where there is PLENTY of room for every woman."

    Azimah, Coach, USA

  • “The Master:Moon experience held by Seville exceeded my expectations. Every week the calls were so different. We covered business topics but also personal and collective, and somehow each time Seville knew exactly the right exercise to do based on our sharing. Other sisters in the group also had a chance to offer their gifts for everyone and lead a part of a session. Each week I felt so inspired after the call and my productivity increased and it lasted days after the call. Because of this, I was so looking forward to the call each week. Seville made me feel supported, seen, and understood and she was flexible in how we wanted the flow of each call based on our needs. This mastermoon was so different from other masterminds I have attended, as it was more embodied in the feminine principles. I am so glad I joined the container, and looking forward to joining the next one as well.”

    Lira, Energy Healer, Oman

What is included:

  • 10 zoom weekly sessions (2 hours long, recorded)

  • 3 Mastermind sessions with guest speakers.

  • Womb-centered embodiment practices.

  • Nervous System Regulation Tool Kit.

  • Female Pleasure Mapping guide.

  • 3 Masterclasses on the Art of pleasure-based business.

  • Self-massage videos.

  • Community Leadership Initiation

  • Authentic Communication and Improvisation Theatre Transmissions.

  • Unconditional loving support while you are on this journey: Private telegram chat where you can reach me 24/7.

  • Accountability system.

  • Voice Activation and Manifestation practice

Choose your Package

Foundation: WOMB
One time
For 2 months

Master:Moon February only

✓ 5 Weekly live sessions
✓ Unlimited support
✓ Hormonal Clock guide
✓ Access to all the materials for 2 months
Deep Dive: WOMB + HEART
One time
For 2 months

MasterMoon February + March

✓ 10 Weekly live sessions
✓ Unlimited Support
✓ Hormonal guide
✓ Pleasure Mapping guide
✓ Access to all the materials for 2 months
One time
For 2 months

MasterMoon (Feb + March) + 1:1 Call

✓ 10 Weekly live sessions
✓ 1:1 Soul Activation call (1,5-3 h)
✓ Hormonal and Pleasure mapping guide
✓ Unlimited support
✓ Access to all the materials and for 2 months

*You can always add 1-1 Hypnosis call throughout the container for an additional 200 USD.

*Mothers and members of previous containers are given mega discounts <3

As a healer, coach, and facilitator Seville has been able to help so many women, myself included, to remember their innate power and release self-imposed limitations to be able to heal and thrive. Her passion and drive to help women step into their power and to see the rise of feminine leadership in the world shines through in her authentic storytelling and the loving way she encourages women to unapologetically share themselves and their gifts.

Mastermoon will have both Masterclasses and Mastermind. Masterclasses will primarily focus on teaching the pleasure-based business practices (mindset, strategy, nervous system support). Mastermind classes are spaces for you to ask your personal questions and get individual support by me (and input from other members). Somedays we will also have Guest speakers joining and adding their input into the pod.

While you can always ask me questions and get support in the Telegram group and during masterclass sessions, group coaching classes will give us the space to work through your specific questions together live.

At the end of each month - there will be an opportunity for members to share their unique offering as a practice/contribution to the space. Here in the Mastermoon, we practice a non-hierarchical leadership model which means every woman gets to lead the session and share her medicine.

Note: While I have created a beautiful outline, class times and content are subject to change depending on the collective needs.

Ready to begin?

Ready to begin?

The world needs you to be your most accountable, most pleasure full, most authentically expressed self.

And so does your business.

Are you ready to Join the revolution?