Womb •Heart• Soul Leader - ship

A reclamation of energetic Soul Sovereignty, Sex and Voice through the power of a wide-open Heart.

What would it feel like to Embrace all of you? 

Are you ready to embark on a journey of reconnecting to your sacred wholeness? 

Do you desire to trust your Inner Authority and Erotic Innocence?

Beloveds, welcome all!

I am Seville Lives,

a dedicated feminine embodiment guide, dancer authentic improvisation performer, certified Hypnotherapist, women’s Pelvic Care practitioner, trauma-informed Breathworker, and a founder of master:moon, a platform for emerging feminine leaders.

My story is one of deep feminine struggles that ultimately led me to profound healing. I know the depths of depression and anxiety and I understand how trauma and self-sabotage can linger in our bodies.

My quest for joy and truth led me to explore and connect deeply with my unique gifts: presence and playfullness.

My vision is to create a new paradigm for leadership, one where individuals have reclaimed their soul sovereignty, discovered their inner authority and VOICE, and are ready to co-create a space for global awakening.

I believe in a shift toward compassion-based, feminine-centered consciousness.

READY to DIVE DEEP with me?

Together we will tap into your potential, reclaim your soul given gift and powers, liberate your VOICE and befriend your shadow, connect deeper to your needs, desires and your inner child, create a deeper devotion to your body temple and unite with spirit.



A 1:1 mentorship program carefully crafted to guide you toward an entirely new way of being.

This is a transformational journey to support you move through resistances, release shame, find your authentic voice and EMBRACE your UNIQUENESS.

Imagine this..

An insight into the journey of our container:

Journey with me from co-dependency/disconnection to embodied sovereignty and authentic erotic leadership.

Together we will bend timelines to create a vision for your life, rooted in desires and open communication.

Common topics I work with:

  • Codependency and people-pleasing.

  • Repression of feelings and emotions 

  • Disconnection from the body

  • Shame around Sexuality.

  • Mistrust to Women,Men, Life itself.

  • Inability to Orgasm/Irregular cycles

  • Low self-esteem and other cognitive distortions

  • Blocked Self-expression and Fear of being Seen

  • Mistrust to Life and your own Greatness

  • Blocked Womb-Heart Channel (low libido and/or creativity,  fear of opening the heart, relationship struggles, unprocessed grief etc)

  • Feelings of being stuck in life

What we will be aligning with:

  • Embodied Leadership rooted in Sensuality and Aliveness

  • More awareness of the cyclical feminine nature

  • Authentic unapologetic expression from the Heart

  • Trust in your intuition  and deep devotion to your Path

  • Cervix-Throat activation of your resonance manifestation power!

  • Clarity about your visions and Intuition

  • Developed neuroplasticity and regulated Nervous System

  • Quantum Leap and Mindset shift

  • Rooting down in pleasure and ease with communication of your needs and desires

How will we do this?

Through activation of the Womb-Heart-Soul channel

  • Heart is the magnetic center of a Woman.

    No manifestation is possible without Open-Heart.

    Connect with your heart and connect with your inner mother:

    Learn to alchemize your emotions into Spiritual gold

    Connect deeply to your Inner child - become mother and father to yourself!

    Overcome blockages of self-sabotage, self-abandonment, imposter syndrome, doubt, fear, victimhood, being always right, being hard on yourself, imbalance between masculine and feminine poles within

    Understand your resistances and turn them into Art

    EMBRACE path of the Heart Warrior and begin living with a wide-open-heart

    Reprogram limiting beliefs around your feminine essence, abundance and expression

    Connect to your inner reservoir of resources and Rewire your Nervous System to receive

  • Soul Level is our highest limitless expression.

    Soul is the home of our Dharma.

    Soul is a path to authentic expression.

    Connect with your soul and connect with the Witness:

    Gain mental clarity on your values and your inner essence so that you can start sharing your soul gifts with the world

    Develop intuition and get clear on what is authentic to you in every moment

    Learn to differentiate the voices of your Ego and Soul

    Reclaim SOUL sovereignty and give it a VOICE

    Learn how to shift timelines and become magnetic to you soul-led tribe

    Embody your compassionate WITNESS learn how to make powerful decision that are aligned to you purpose

    Unite Masculine and Feminine poles into a sacred Union

    Live from a place of soul-aligned truth and master the ART of Devotion

    Start showing up in your life in service of your Highest purpose

  • Womb is an energetic power center of a Woman.

    Womb is the powerhouse of Eros and the birthplace of Life.

    Womb is the home of sexuality and embodiment.

    Connect with your womb and connect with the Queen:

    - Take Radical Responsibility for your desires.

    - Develop intimate relationship with your throne (pelvis).

    - Connect deeply with your Womb and your creative power.

    - Self-pleasure practices.

    - Clear out your inner space from lovers (mending your inner space).

    - EMBRACE your unique erotic blueprint.

    - Start showing up in your life and your business like a Queen who is in service to her sacred work.

    - Master your erotic expression and bring your self-pleasure to new levels.

    - Understand your biology and address issues related to your sex life.

What is Womb • Heart • Soul Leadership?

This is a quintessence of 10+ years of experience in the field of healing arts and a lifetime of personal exploration.

I finally feel ready to offer my tools to women within 1-1 mentorship container “EMBRACED”.

You can expect an unconventional approach. I can’t promise that I will unf*ck your trauma, yet I will show you how to create new neural pathways that will overpower the patterns created by trauma.

I will challenge you to see your WHOLENESS instead of BROKENESS.

I will ignite your abilities to rewrite any scenario in your mind-body.

I will share with you what has helped me on the path from codependency and years of giving away my power, from victimhood to creator, from dissociation and anorgasmia to full-body ecstatic bliss.

I will model you how to love all the places you have deemed unworthy of love.

Together we remember how to EMBRACE it all.

Choose your Investment

WOMB SOUL Ignition Session
One time

This is intro level session for you to ask questions and receive answers that will ignite your soul.

✓ 1:1 Coaching Call or In-person Bodywork
✓ Vedic Astrology (optional)
✓ Hormonal Guide
One time
For 2 months

3 Month container: We set a vision for what we want to embody within this time period and I personally guide you to connect and embody your new reality.

✓ 3 Holistic Hypnotherapy sessions (3 hours long each)
✓ 6 Coaching calls (90 min calls)
✓ Homework in between
✓ Free access to all of my offering birthed within 3 months
✓ Free Access to Master:Moon community
Embraced: Deep Dive
One time
For 4 months

This journey is for those who want to take commitment to TRUTH, EMBODIMENT, and PLEASURE to the next level. Together we create a soul-aligned vision for your WOMB-HEART-MIND connection and I guide you every step of the way.

✓ 11x Coaching Calls (90min)
✓ 2 Yoni Mapping Sessions
✓ Free Access to all my offerings birthed during 6 months
✓ 4 Holistic Hypnosis sessions (3 hours each)
✓ Free Access to Master:Moon community

What is included:

  • Coaching Sessions: 1,5 - 3 hours long depending on the inquiry

    (holistic hypnotherapy/breathwork/energy work/parts work/bodywork/somatic practices/parts theatre)

  • Womb-centered embodiment practices are tailored specifically to your needs.

  • Nervous System Regulation Tool Kit.

  • Recorded meditations on how to access your Eros & own your Shadow.

  • Hormonal Clock and Female Body literacy.

  • Pleasure Mapping guide.

  • Self-massage videos.

  • Authentic Relating Improvisation Transmissions.

  • Unconditional loving support while you are on this journey: Private telegram chat where you can reach me 24/7.

  • Accountability system.

  • Astrology/Human Design reading to ignite your Soul Power.

  • It was not my first experience with hypnotherapy: I understand the importance of interventions on unconscious and subconscious levels and I felt very safe under Seville’s guidance! My subconscious usually has quite a strong defense and it’s not easy to get to the root causes, but with the strong Seville’s ability to keep focus we did that. During my hypno-journey, I felt that I am in right hands. I am very grateful to Seville for being soft and strong at the same time - I felt the first shifts right during our sessions and I got many profound insights with gentle integration process that Seville has done to me after. Changes has never been easy but with Seville you can be sure that you’ll be guided to your personal authentic truth and supported in integrating it. I can highly recommend her for those who are ready to live theirs better and fullest lives.

    Ksenia Ivkina

    EMDR therapist, founder of Bodyverse


  • The hypnotherapy sessions I have had with Seville were very special. I easily trusted her because she holds a very safe space with softness and compassion. The first session we went deep straight away, to memories of when I was in the womb, and the core beliefs I have received from there. Seville guided me and made sure I stayed on the right track whenever I would wonder of to different visuals and feelings. She made sure to keep me engaged and go deeper layer by layer. I felt very held by Seville and after the session felt like I had released a very heavy baggage. The insights kept coming days and even weeks after the session. I continued with more sessions because I knew there was a lot to unravel. Each time Seville is very professional and held the sessions with grace and kindness. I definitely will do more sessions in the near future, and I am forever grateful for the work that Seville provides.

    Elira Stefani,

    Transformational Mentor, founder of Soulschool


  • My session with Seville was truly beautiful. I am experienced in past life regression and energy work, so coming into a container that was held and conducted so beautifully really allowed me to surrender. Seville listened to what I needed and intuitively guided me through the many layers of emotion and generational conditioning to uncover and shed light on some of the deepest parts of me. She is a wonderful guide who deeply cares for the work with which she is sharing. I highly highly recommend :)

    Chelsea Netzband

    Art Director and Breathwork Practitioner


  • Seville is such an amazing space folder! Experience with Seville is truly unforgettable sacred journey where my body energetically embraced and cherished in such a powerful golden and loving hands so you’ll get to new level of sensuality and joy. It definitely helped to extend my limits and understandings about feelings routine. I immediately felt changes in my mindset and body blockages. Energy starts flowing and growing within next few days fulfilled with lightness, wholeness and bigger spectrum of sensitivity and trust. There is an unconditional love in her ability to hold space and it made me feel so seen and connected. So many beautiful benefits, feeling so grateful🙏🤍🌸

    Victoria Alekseeva

    Singer, Vocal Alchemy Coach


  • Working with Seville has been such a blessing! Our connection has helped me to regain power and strength, reconnect with parts of myself that i considered not worthy of loving. Each session we had was beautifully held in compassion, trust, true care and full conscious presence. Her work is truly profound, truly powerful, very effective and very professional. I could feel Seville her true care and compassionate involvement, her powerful light at moments where I needed strentgh to push through which made me even more be able to shift what I otherwise would have pushed away again, so this time, with the help of Seville I really broke through and shifted big things within my psyche, body, emotions and energy, all because I felt 'safe', supported, motivated and held by Seville. After the session it was clear, I felt so much lighter, there was renewed space. Seville you magical woman!!! Love you!!!

    Aeon Aurora,

    Artist and Creator at Ceremony Artistry


  • Seville guided me sensitively and gently through the breathwork session. I felt very safe and cared for, and therefore able to express whatever arose in me. The touch was confident and I particularly appreciated the belly massage. I was able to trust Seville and to relax into her guidance of the process. Thank you Seville for the support and healing.

    Karen Iles,

    Flow of Potential Breathwork&Yoga


  • Seville was very understanding and attentive towards my feelings and was leading me through the sessions with a lot of compassion. I am so happy that I got the chance to work with Seville. She taught me things about energies and explained to me why certain parts of my body feel strained. The sessions were full of self-exploration, letting go of feelings such as manipulation, control and anger. She showed me different breathing techniques, dances and massaged certain parts of my body, which helped me to go more in a relaxed state. After the sessions I always felt peaceful, released and lighter.


    Singer, Berlin

  • I had Soul Ignition session with Seville, where we looked into my Astrology chart. . It was a lot of info at once, haha, but Seville is very good at filtering out the most relevant info for you, with the aim of making you feel empowered. She weaves the three fields of study together very effortlessly and you can feel that she has a lot of background knowledge & experience. After my reading with Seville I indeed did feel more empowered. I had been put back on track, on the rails of life! I can highly recommend a reading by Seville, not only for her professionalism, but also for her contagious enthusiasm and feminine approach. With that I mean that she is powerful, yet tender and soft. After the reading I felt as if she’d put a nice soft blanket around me, but also had ignited my inner burning fire. One that will always remain with me. Thank you so much Seville! 😘

    Isabel De Hertog,



Embark on an embodied inquiry with me and reconnect with your creativity, sensuality, and fierce femininity.

Join my coaching container now and begin your journey towards a more authentic, empowered, and joyful life.

Deep inside you know, I invite you to trust that voice.

If you have any questions sister, I will happy to answer them and connect to see how aligned our paths are!

Who is EMBRACED for?

I am devoted to being of service to women who are ready to embrace their full potential, break cycles of addictions and codependency on the outside source, embrace their wide open heart and voice, who want to master and harvest their sexual energy and learn ways how to create life-changing opportunities in their life.

I aim to serve heart-centered emerging feminine leaders and purpose-driven women. If you're a woman looking to reconnect with your heart and pleasure center, seeking ecstatic experiences, and desiring to embody your inner artist and healer from within, I am here to support you.

This journey is for women who are ready to / for radical responsibility, creatrixship, from the womb and from the heart, giving birth to a new version of herself.

Who is EMBRACED not for?

  • Women who expect miracles but don’t want to put the work in.

  • Women who are not ready dedicate at least 1 hour every day to embodiment practices.

  • Women who are not ready to invest into their wellbeing.

  • Who are uncomfortable with having difficult conversations.

  • Who are not ready for a giant leap in their life.

  • Do not agree that the outer reality is a reflection of their inner world.

More Offerings

  • Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony,

    a profound bodywork experience that honors the sacred portal of Womb and Yoni.

    This session is an exploration into desensitizing layers of resistance and unwinding stories held in the fascia tissues, offering liberation and a deeper connection to your feminine essence. It's a sacred journey to reclaim pleasure, ground in your center, and awaken your multiorgasmic nature.

    I am honored to extend this offering to women seeking to cultivate a more profound intimacy with their bodies, addressing concerns such as inability to orgasm, fibroids, menstrual cramping, painful intercourse, and incontinence.

    For further details or to embark on this transformative experience, please contact me via my IG

    I am currently traveling in based between Bali and Koh Phangan.

  • Experience the transformative power of our exclusive Womb-Heart-Soul Leadership Mastermind Group designed for visionary women who recognize that the highest upgrade in life is found in the quality of the women surrounding them. This unique gathering is tailored for those leading their businesses the feminine way — embracing collaboration, intuition, and empathy. In this supportive space, accountability intertwines with inspiration as women come together to uplift, challenge, and champion each other. Our mastermind group fosters an environment where the collective strength brings about a new wave of feminine leadership, ushering in a paradigm shift in the business world. Join us to cultivate connections that go beyond networking, creating a tapestry of empowerment that propels both personal and professional growth.